There are many benefits associated with ensuring competition, but recent reform proposals for commercial e-Commerce raise concerns about whether competition will continue to be leveraged for agency purchasers.
In today's Federal Newscast, a bill introduced by Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah) would authorize congressional payroll administrators to dock pay for members of Congress for as long as a government shutdown continues.
A bill in Congress would make sure federal employees who work in security, food service, and janitorial services, get reimbursed after the government shutdown ends.
Michael Carter, the vice president for FedRAMP and assurance services for Coalfire, explains why the FedRAMP Reform Act would ease cloud adoption for agencies and CSP entry into government.
Today the Coalition submitted comments in response to the General Services Administration’s Request for Information regarding commercial e-commerce portals.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security act establishes a council to come up with policies and processes for agencies to evaluate risks to the IT supply chain.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Postal Service's inspector general said USPS has more than a million square feet in excess real estate.
Justin Herman, the head of GSA's Emerging Citizen Technology office, said Tuesday that the agency plans to host on a governmentwide forum on robotic process automation (RPA) on Jan. 19.
In today's Federal Newscast, U.S. SOCOM General Raymond Thomas III calls for a 90-day review amid a handful of ethics scandals.
The General Services Administration has taken a series of steps to streamline the Multiple Award Schedule processes and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the MAS program.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement is more than halfway done with its migration to the cloud, more than a year after kicking off the effort.
In today's Federal Newscast, Senate Democrats said more than 300,000 federal employees will be furloughed if Congress can't come to a deal on seven remaining appropriation bills.
At least in the beginning, GSA will limit commercial marketplaces to the micropurchase threshold. But officials said industry input shaped their thinking up to this point, and encouraged more.
Robert Burton, a former deputy administrator of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy and now a partner with Crowell & Moring, makes the case for using commercial practices for government online marketplace purchases.
The General Services Administration told agencies they could have up to three more years to transition to the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract, but had to meet certain short term deadlines.