IT Acquisition Advisory Council

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Some new thinking on the crucial question of cloud computing security

Just about every federal agency uses cloud computing to some degree. Some no longer have their own data centers.

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Cybersecurity IT engineers are working on protecting networks from cyber attacks from hackers on the Internet. Secure access to online privacy and personal data protection

Fear and loathing in Defense IT: Time to enforce FAR conflict of interest rules and revolving door abuses

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/marcnorman)IRS building

IRS walks away from facial recognition to access online tools after backlash

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Veteran of White House, DHS steps into federal CISO role

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Amelia Brust/Federal News NetworkCDM

DoD’s interim rule adds a new twist to implementing cyber maturity model

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Defense Digital Service’s ‘cease and desist’ letter to industry group symptom of larger communications problems

Industry says the Defense Digital Service is wedded to an approach to move to commercial cloud and the lack of open and transparent discussions is causing…

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/Jakarin2521

7 years after cloud-first policy, agencies turns up speed to adoption

New data from Bloomberg Government shows agencies spent more than $1.8 billion on cloud services last year.

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Agencies turn attention to plugging cyber holes in software

The Homeland Security Department and the Defense Department are among the agencies that are out in front in shifting their cyber focuses toward applications.

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