Jon Tester

Sweeping VA bill seeks more pay flexibility for health care workers, stricter EHR requirements

The VA would receive additional pay flexibilities for its health care workforce, if a sweeping legislative makes it through Congress.

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VA bonuses, Veterans Homeless Grants

VA, AFGE support parts of bipartisan bill to refine how agency fires poor performers

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VA bonuses, Veterans Homeless Grants

VA committee leaders demand ‘guardrails’ for bonuses as agency claws back payouts to career executives

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AP/Charles DharapakVA, IT, data

VA extends PACT Act deadline to Aug. 14 for backdated benefits after website issues

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Election 2024 Montana Senate

Senate VA bill directs agency to rethink how it fires poor-performing employees

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va, AI, AI use cases, veterans

Senate Democrats join calls for pause on new VA EHR rollouts until metrics improve

Top Democrats on the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee are planning to introduce legislation that would pause the VA’s troubled rollout of a new Electronic…

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(Photo courtesy of the Department of Veterans Affairs)VA

VA HR officials support bill to overhaul agency’s 16-year old pay model for doctors

Top human resources officials for the Department of Veterans Affairs say a bipartisan bill raising pay caps for VA doctors and other health care providers…

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VA- Electronic Health Record

VA EHR linked to veterans ‘fatally harmed,’ senators say, but agency still sees way forward for project

VA is telling Congress it understands what went wrong in previous deployments of its new Electronic Health Record, and is confident short-term fixes will allow the agency to resume the project.

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