Rear Adm. Diane Webber is the new deputy commander of the Fleet Cyber Command and the Tenth Fleet at Fort Meade, Md., according to a recent Defense Department release. Webber is currently the director of communications and networks at the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. The Commander of Fleet Cyber Command is Vice Adm. Michael Rogers.
The Navy is looking for someone to run the world's second-largest computer network. At least two consortiums of vendors are vying for the $4.5 billion deal.
Lockheed Martin will join a team of several other large companies in a bid for the Navy's forthcoming multibillion dollar Next Generation Enterprise Network contract.
The Navy is deploying two roving teams to combat what it sees as an serious threat: stress.
The Armed Services committee Seapower chairman is tired of waiting for the Navy's ship building plan to come in.
The Submarine Learning Center, at the Naval Submarine Base New London, has won a LEED silver award for being green. The center's headquarters uses geothermal heating a cooling systems and is built out of recycled building materials.
Competition, reliance on commercial technology drove down prices for IT consolidation on ships, Navy official says. The service still is figuring out how to integrate CANES with its NGEN shore-based system. The RFP for NGEN is expected any day.
The Pentagon will begin testing cloud-based joint networking environment in Europe this summer. Effort aims to eliminate seams between service-and-mission-specific networks.
The Defense Department, the Navy and the Texas Wind Group have signed a memorandum of agreement allowing construction of 83 wind turbines that have been modified so as not to impact operations at the nearby naval air station in Kingsville, Texas.
The Air Force's comptroller poured $1 billion into a new enterprise resource planning system with virtually nothing to show for it after seven years. The service is restricting the ERP with details to come in the next few weeks.
Navy and Marine Corps officials are upbeat about how they'll fare under the current round of budget cuts. Navy Department officials said the strategy DoD developed following the passage of the Budget Control Act aligns perfectly with the capabilities of the maritime services.
After a decade in which relatively few questions were asked about resource allocations, Navy and Marine Corps acquisition leaders are moving to adjust to a new reality.
On the In Depth show blog, you can listen to the interviews, find more information about the guests on the show each day and links to additional resources.
Twenty-two commanding officers were removed from their positions in 2011. The offenses of relieved commanders run the gamut, and they run across all of the Navy's mission areas. The Navy wants its incoming commanders to be wary of the "intoxicating" aspects of leadership.
After two weeks of dining on GSA's fiasco in the desert, the fickle American public is looking for some juicy, replacement news, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. It may be something to do with the Kardashians ... or even the Pentagon.