
Amelia Brust, Federal News NetworkTelework

House intensifies its war against DoD teleworkers

Its 2025 Defense appropriations bill would prohibit DoD from using funding for any telework or remote work that is done on a ‘regular and recurring basis.’

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defense budget

Pentagon’s 2025 budget boosts personnel budget, cuts end strength

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Pentagon Austin

Pentagon finishes review of Austin’s failure to tell Biden and other leaders about his cancer

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Biden Army Confirmations

Group of military spouses plead with Sen. Tommy Tuberville to release his hold on military appointments

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Robert Storch, Inspector General of the Department of Defense

In today’s episode, Michael Binder interviews Robert Storch, who has been inspector general of the Department of Defense since December 2022.

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Congress wants DoD’s telework policies set in stone

In today’s Federal Newscast, emphasizing the availability of telework for federal jobs may lead to better recruitment and retention.

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DoDGlenn Fine, inspector general, Defense Department

DoD’s JEDI cloud contract may have had some unresolved issues

In today’s Federal Newscast, just when you thought you had heard the last of DoD’s controversial JEDI cloud contract, there’s another twist.

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