Professional Services Council

Eric White/Federal News NetworkDavid Berteau

Contractors find some ‘buying forecasts’ better than others

Contractors trying to plan ahead often turn to procurement plans that agencies post on their websites. An annual assessment shows some are actually excellent.

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Getty Images/Drew AngererState Department podium

State Department’s R&D approach has industry puzzled

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Eric White/Federal News NetworkDavid Berteau

FTC rule on non-compete employees has contractors worried

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Amelia Brust/Federal News Networkprotests, Acquisition, Contracts, procurement

How legislators could make things a little easier for those companies working with the government

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Sequestration’s head pops up, for a peek at continuing budget uncertainty

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Amelia Brust/Federal News Networkprotests, Acquisition, Contracts, procurement

White House breaks the rules on rulemaking for contractors

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Capitol Hill’s so-called budget is only the start of a lot of hard work

The top-line budget agreement Congress worked out last weekend doesn’t mean the work is done. Members still have to work out the agency-by-agency allocations…

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Military Suicides

Five things contractors need to know about the Defense authorization bill

It looks like Congress has managed to get the National Defense Authorization law done before December 31. As always, the bill is chock full of items federal…

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contracting, small business

Keeping fingers crossed about a potential government shutdown, contractors have a new White House initiative to scrutinize

It will be this new congressional leadership’s first test to try and avoid a government shutdown. As usual, the ones who will be doing most of the watching will be federal contractors. There is a new initiative from the White House though, that will give them plenty to keep busy while the waiting game ensues. To get a pulse check on the contracting industry, Federal Drive Executive Producer Eric White talked with David Berteau, President and CEO of the Professional Services Council.

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