Shawn McCarthy

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Why local data and local processing are key to giving better citizen experience

Citizens moving about their daily lives are also generating lots of data. Governments at all levels can use that data to improve the digital services they…

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Spending on legacy IT continues to grow, but there is light at the end of the tunnel

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Headshot of Shawn McCarthy

Shawn McCarthy: DOD has more spending money than you might think in next year’s budget

The Department of Defense is seeing an increase in its projected IT spending for 2016 for the first time in 3 years. The increase is small at 1.6 percent…

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Shawn McCarthy, Research Director, IDC Government Insights

Civilian agencies could spend about 10 percent more on IT than what was originally predicted in the fiscal 2015 budget. IDC Government Insights says the…

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Shawn McCarthy, Program Manager, IDC Government Insights

The White House budget request for 2016 calls for a 2.3 percent increase in IT spending across the federal government. That’s about a $2 billion increase for a total of $86 billion. Shawn McCarthy is program manager for government IT at IDC Government Insights. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he outlined the top five IT management trends you should think about as you plan to spend that money.

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