Sylvia Burwell

Holiday photos with HHS Secretary Burwell

Secretary Sylvia Burwell poses for 381 photos with staff members and their families at the annual HHS Holiday Open House.

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Senator wants next OMB director to be familiar with federal workforce

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Tom Shoop, Editor in Chief, Government Executive Magazine

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Amelia Brust/Federal News NetworkFederal Acquisition, GSA

Inside the Reporter’s Notebook: OMB not a farm team, Strategic sourcing on steroids

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Amelia Brust/FNNFederal budget request concept

Treasury figuring out how the shared services pieces fit into governmentwide puzzle

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Amelia Brust/Federal News NetworkFederal Acquisition, GSA

Inside the Reporter’s Notebook: OMB adds clarity to new cyber policy; Cyber risks during shutdown overstated; OASIS delayed indefinitely

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Amelia Brust/FNNFederal budget request concept

Coburn asks for details on year-end spending spree

OMB Director Sylvia Burwell received a letter from Sen. Tom Coburn earlier this month asking for the facts and figures on how agencies are spending acquisition…

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Amelia Brust/FNNFederal budget request concept

OMB gives agencies more control over financial management systems

The White House updates Circular A-123 to include a new appendix to address federal financial management systems. OMB expects the new regulations to let…

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Analysis: Cobert must avoid second term pitfalls

Experts say Beth Cobert must take the Goldilocks approach to developing management priorities for the next three years. President Barack Obama nominated Cobert to be OMB’s deputy director for management Wednesday. Performance management observers say she needs to bring energy and new ways of looking at old problems.

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