Treasury Department

  • Federal chief financial officers have more foresight, insight and hindsight than ever before to make better decisions. But just as important as having these wide-ranging sight lines is how they are being translated down to the program level. Experts say agencies are slowly heading down the path of using data to make better decisions.

    April 15, 2013
  • Kim McCoy, the bureau's chief information officer, said she's looking at how best to pre-position resources to get new agency financial management customers on board more quickly. April 11, 2013

    April 11, 2013
  • Danny Werfel, the OMB controller, will issue a new policy in the coming weeks that will mandate agencies simplify their requirements before upgrading their general ledger systems. The policy also will require agencies to strongly consider one of the four federal shared service providers. OMB said it has learned lessons from the previous attempts to move agencies into these common financial management infrastructures.

    February 22, 2013
  • Ron Ross of the National Institute of Standards and Technology wants feedback on the agency's IT security and privacy controls. Deputy Commissioner Wanda Rogers of the Treasury Department's Financial Management Service talks about the final transition to E-Payments. Philip Lohaus is a research fellow with the American Enterprise Institute and former Defense Department analyst who has studied and blogged about how the CIA is two organizations in one.

    February 11, 2013
  • Tom Sharpe will move over from the Treasury Department to take over the Federal Acquisition Service.

    January 22, 2013
  • Officials are investigating an apparent pipe bomb that destroyed a mailbox at the Virginia home of the Treasury Department's inspector general.

    January 04, 2013
  • Members of Maryland's congressional delegation say plans to relocate about 450 jobs from Prince George's County have been delayed until the end of 2019.

    January 03, 2013
  • Fred Hochberg, the Export-Import Bank president told The Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp that unlike other agencies, his agency has been able to pay money to the government rather than take money from the government.

    November 16, 2012
  • A new request for information asks vendors at answer 10 questions about improving the strategic sourcing of commodity software titles. This is at least the fourth attempt to get more agencies using the enterprise software licensing initiative.

    November 12, 2012
  • President Barack Obama is gearing up for a second term in office, but some members of his Cabinet are on their way out, experts tell Federal News Radio. The legwork for these top- tier changes and others is already in motion behind-the-scenes.

    November 06, 2012
  • An exclusive Federal News Radio survey of federal CFOs and deputy CFOs finds 55 percent of the respondents rated spending money more wisely as their top priority. But at the same time, 36 percent rated moving to the Internet Payment Portal or other financial management shared services as their fourth highest priority. CFOs also say they are using data to make better decisions and budget reductions, not sequestration, is their biggest concern.

    October 09, 2012
  • A number of agencies have made high-profile migrations to cloud platforms and the Obama administration has issued sweeping guidance mandating agencies identify and transition services and applications to host in the cloud. For a look at how agencies are faring in their shifts to the cloud and the issues they continue to face, the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Emily Kopp hosted a panel discussion, "Clearing the Fog Around Cloud Computing," sponsored by Level 3 Communications.

    September 28, 2012
  • CIO Robyn East is leading an effort to create an enterprise data warehouse with procurement, financial and human resources information. August 23, 2012

    August 23, 2012
  • Not all agencies are using TechStat for IT projects that are in trouble. In an exclusive report, Federal News Radio finds agencies are seeing unexpected benefits in applying the evaluation tool to programs that are on track. Treasury used TechStat to figure out how best to consolidate three procurement systems.

    August 16, 2012