Online Chat: Ask the CIO with CBP’s Charlie Armstrong

Charlie Armstrong, the chief information officer at Customs and Border Protection, joins Federal News Radio to discuss his IT priorities, cloud computing, secur...

Charlie Armstrong, the chief information officer at Customs and Border Protection, joined Federal News Radio for a free online chat to discuss his IT priorities as they relate to Federal News Radio’s exclusive survey of federal CIOs, cloud computing, mobile devices, securing networks and systems, and workforce and morale issues, among other topics.

View an archive of the chat below.

(Courtesy of CBP)

Armstrong was also a recent guest on Federal News Radio, where he discussed the survey and other IT priorities. Listen to that interview here.

Armstrong has been the Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Information and Technology and CIO for CBP since June 2008. He has more than 26 years in the IT community. As the CIO and assistant commissioner, Armstrong oversees software development, infrastructure services and support, tactical communications, the laboratory system and research and development functions, and IT modernization initiatives supporting CBP’s core business processes. Armstrong also leads CBP’s efforts as the Department of Homeland Security steward for network services.

Federal News Radio online chats are text only. There is no audio component. All online chats are archived and can be found here.

Having trouble with this online chat? Email Web Manager Julia Ziegler for assistance.

Live Blog Ask the CIO – Customs and Border Protection’s Charlie Armstrong

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