Despite their unique missions, agencies face the same challenges when it comes to balancing risks, resources, and resilient bad actors.
Senate lawmakers let a third set of amendments to be added to the Defense Authorization bill, including the Modernizing Government Technology Act.
Is your agency overwhelmed with data? Tune in to Federal Tech Talk this week, when Craig McCullough, area vice president of U.S. Federal Sales at Commvault, discusses how his company can help you protect your agency's data. September 19, 2017
The agency that administers the Thrift Savings Plan is getting a big budget boost next year to handle a growing number of enrollees, staff and responsibilities.
DHS needs to be more forthcoming with what it knows about the company.
Social Security, the Veterans Affairs Department and the Office of Personnel Management have one thing in common: a big backlog of applications for what they provide. OPM's National Background Investigative Bureau has a backlog of 700,000. Trey Hodgkins, senior vice president of the Information Technology Industry Council, says this is becoming a national security concern and Congress isn't doing enough to cut it down.
The CIO Council and OPM are hosting an IT workforce jobs fair in November focusing on filling critical IT and cyber jobs for more than 20 federal agencies.
Cyber experts say the goal of agencies' modernization efforts should be to support the mission, not just updating technology for the sake of technology.
The Homeland Security Department issued their fifth binding operational directive on Sept. 13.
Given the new iPhone's price, federal CIOs may decide to wait for its security features.
The Homeland Security Department’s Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS) is preparing to implement version 2.0 of STIX.
Special Publication 800-53, published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, contains hundreds of security controls organizations can adopt to keep their computers and data safer.
Dave DeVries retired after 35 years in government including the last year as the chief information officer at OPM.
Few have seen cybersecurity efforts from as many angles as retired Brig. Gen. Greg Touhill, president of Cyxtera Federal Group.
In a digital world that challenges personal privacy, a system is in development for protecting connected devices.