With open season just around the corner, tune into the October 19th FEDtalk to hear about some of your options as a federal employee when making benefits decisions and planning for your future.
October 19, 2018
Ask any contracting professional, whether private or public sector, what their biggest complaint is about the federal procurement process, and they’ll tell you the same thing: it takes too long.
With October ushering in Cybersecurity Awareness Month, agencies and industry must remember that the challenges they face are among the most common for organizational and personal security.
As the need for continued integration of data and technology drives toward better decision making, agencies need to consider how they design, implement and utilize tools in support better financial management.
With the increased emphasis on managing and rewarding high performers and addressing low performers, many federal agencies are reevaluating how they handle performance management. Legacy software systems are increasingly unable to meet evolving needs, and off-the-shelf solutions used by private sector companies frequently fail to address issues specific to the Federal Government.
Dana Laake and her special guest Dr. Erin Stokes will discuss how to boost your fall immune health.
Arlette Hart, senior cybersecurity technologist at Leidos, joined Federal News Network to discuss the state of cybersecurity today and the need to recruit and retain top talent.
Hosted by Dr. Richard Shurtz and Jim Russ. Sponsored by Stratford University. We meet the founder and CEO of the blogging platform Tumblr.
Tune in to FEDtalk on Federal News Radio, part of the Federal News Network October 13th, 2018, the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) turns 40 years old. The CSRA fundamentally changed the federal government and its workforce, spawning the majority of regulations, policies, and structures that continue to govern the day-to-day business of work within the federal government.
October 13, 2018
The speed of technology is moving faster than ever. Yet, more than 80% of federal government IT budgets are spent on maintaining systems, with only a fraction invested in innovation.
As Federal agencies drive to transition to the new Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract, we all agree the time for modernization is now.
In this six-part series, AT&T innovators and leaders discuss how the EIS contract can help transition and transform federal agencies to the network of tomorrow – today.
Hosted by Dr. Richard Shurtz and Jim Russ. Sponsored by Stratford University. How to safely use the computer at your hotel’s business center. And a way to safeguard your photos for posterity.
Government agencies leveraging the hybrid cloud environment need enterprise software with long-term support, portability and security. This means relying on commercial open source products, not open source projects.
What is FAS doing to make its operations easy, efficient and modern? How is FAS delivering best value mission support to customer agencies?
This program will provide a progress report on machine learning and AI in government.
Preparing for changes in life, both expected and unexpected, can help make any big transition smoother.