civilian workforce

Army, civilian workforce

Army recruitment seeks civilian employees

The Army relies on its civilian workforce for crucial tasks to support readiness and operations. Now it has launched a campaign to recruit civilians.

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Amelia Brust/Federal News NetworkArmy civilian, worker, computer, soldiers

The Army has ideas for reducing civilian time-to-hire

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Navy, Air Force want Congress to abolish 180-day waiting period to hire military retirees

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Army wrongly diverted civilian payroll funds to pay other headquarters bills, IG says

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John Richardson

Navy creates new framework, governance council to improve civilian workforce

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Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert Work/AP/Cliff Owen

Pentagon ends temporary stoppage in civilian hiring

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Begin saving cash now, Air Force tells commanders

The Air Force orders commanders to start cutbacks in advance of the next budget emergency.

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Navy, Air Force CMOs decry ‘blunt, formulaic’ cuts to civilian workforce

Senate-passed annual authorization bill for DoD would require a 5 percent cut in non-uniformed employees. Chief management officers from two military services…

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Senate’s defense bill cuts civilian workforce, caps contractor salaries

The Senate approved a $631 billion annual defense policy Tuesday that would require the Defense Department to reduce its civilian workforce by 5 percent over the next five years and impose a strict cap on government-funded contractor salaries. With the White House threatening to veto the Senate version its current form, the bill now heads to a House-Senate conference committee where differences between the two chambers’ bill will be hammered out.

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