customer service

  • Americans say they're more satisfied with at least one type of interaction they have with their government. Sheri Petras, CFI Group's chief executive officer, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin that people are more satisfied with federal websites.

    April 07, 2017
  • The U.S. Postal Service is turning around its reputation — from the agency whose employees managed to coin the phrase "going postal," to an organization that now quickly processes equal employment opportunity complaints. USPS is offering those services to other agencies.

    March 09, 2017
  • William D. Eggers, Executive Director of the Deloitte Center for Government Insights, and Greg Pellegrino, a principal with Deloitte Consulting, detail a new approach for improving the business regulatory environment.

    January 26, 2017
  • President Barack Obama and senior administration leaders celebrated the achievements from the federal workforce over the past eight years. In his final days in office, Obama asked federal employees to think back to the moment they decided to join public service and encouraged them to continue their work as his administration leaves and another takes its place.

    December 13, 2016
  • Agencies wanting to improve customer service should hire front-line people who are good at customer service. No mystery there. But to support those people, you really need to have a much deeper orientation toward good service delivery. Mallory Barg Bulman, director of research at the Partnership for Public Service, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with advice for how to do that.

    November 30, 2016
  • Roughly 540,000 of the 1.9 million calls the Office of Personnel Management's Retirement Services received from federal annuitants in fiscal 2015 were abandoned, OPM's inspector general found. The IG also said Retirement Services is not meeting its goal to process all written inquires within 60 days or less.

    November 01, 2016
  • As more agencies begin to take a closer look at their customer service operations, some organizations, such as the Veterans Affairs Department and the Smithsonian Institution, are developing "customer journey maps" to better respond to consumer feedback and needs.

    September 21, 2016
  • For your constituents, customer experience is like bliss when it's excellent, and hell on earth when it's lousy. One new piece of research says federal agencies fail at customer experience. One reason is they ignore the important ingredients that go into good customer experience. Joining the Federal Drive with more, Rick Parrish, principal government customer experience analyst at Forrester Research.

    September 09, 2016
  • Nothing can be more irritating and, at the same time, useful as unvarnished customer feedback. With the summer travel season over, citizens are taking to the internet to vent about experiences they've had at airports, in passport lines, or visiting national parks. Smart managers are seeing bad reports as good thing. Joining Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more, Mallory Barg Bulman, research director at the Partnership for Public Service.

    September 07, 2016
  • If you're going to nationalize what was once in the private sector, you should at least give good customer service. That's what the Education Department is trying to do with the college student loan program with its complicated rules and procedures. Mallory Barg Bulman, director of research at the Partnership for Public Service, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to offer her insight.

    August 10, 2016
  • Josh Plaskoff, PhD, the director of learning and technology service development for HighPoint Global, offers six steps to improving your agency’s customer experience.

    August 08, 2016
  • The Transportation Security Administration and the State Department's Passport Office have two things in common. They both interact with citizens when they're traveling, and they both have had customer service problems. But, they've made efforts to improve. Mallory Barg Bulman, research director at the Partnership for Public Service, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more

    July 13, 2016
  • For immigrants hoping to apply for residency or become citizens, working with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services is among their earliest first encounters with the federal government. Mariela Melero, associate director for Customer Service and Public Engagement for USCIS, is a finalist in the Service to America Medals program. On Federal Drive with Tom Temin, Melero tells Federal News Radio's Eric White how she helps improve engagement with a highly diverse customer base. View a photo gallery of Sammies finalists.

    June 17, 2016
  • Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) said agencies are too selective about what they choose to include or omit in their progress reports on customer service. Instead, agencies should challenge themselves and begin holding themselves to higher performance standards, he added.

    June 08, 2016
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