The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will release the fourth Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) report card June 13 detailing agency progress in implementing the 2015 law.
Lawmakers gave the Education Department's Office of Federal Student Aid a failing grade after reporting a combined $6 billion in improper payments, Agency officials said they are working toward better management and monitoring of student loan accounts.
The President's full 2018 budget proposal offers a 1.9 percent pay raise for civilian employees and a 2.1 percent raise to members of the military. But federal employee unions and organizations say the raise does little to undo the damage the President's proposed cuts to federal retirement benefits will have on current employees and retirees and future government workers. The budget also details workforce reductions at some agencies.
President Donald Trump voices his displeasure over the $1 trillion budget deal for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2017 and suggests a shutdown might be in order if the 2018 elections don't favor Republicans.
The Modernizing Government Technology Act will let agencies keep savings for up to three years to reinvest in IT transformation projects.
The Government Accountability Office brought in 13 experts on federal technology last fall to have a frank discussion about what’s working and what’s not with the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act.
Congress is once again examining the results of the latest Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. Lawmakers said they're encouraged by the progress the Homeland Security Department has made, despite its continued last-place ranking.
Organization, accountability and a willingness to partner with industry are necessary to improving federal IT acquisition.
For all their momentum, the postal reform bills are built on a careful set of compromises, which is why lawmakers from both sides of the aisle issued the same warning at a markup hearing on Thursday: Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good.
Two lawmakers have introduced legislation that would leverage pensions and benefits in an effort to reign in use of official time and has resulted in hours of debate and a deeper divide over the subject of unions.
The Internal Revenue Service is looking to continue the momentum it's gained in customer service rates, and strengthen security around sharing of taxpayer information with agency partners.
Members of the National Treasury Employees Union took to Capitol Hill Thursday morning to rally for support on several issues they fear are under attack in the 115th Congress and Trump administration. NTEU members say they're concerned about receiving fair pay, protecting health and retirement benefits and maintaining their due process rights. They're also worried that President Donald Trump's proposed budget cuts to civilian agencies could hinder their ability to do their jobs well.
A recent Government Accountability Office report on the Veterans Affairs Department and its employees' use of official time is renewing a debate among lawmakers: Does official time have a place within agency operations, and how much time is too much?
The Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act of 2015 would create a "culture of excellence," promoting wise use of taxpayer dollars.
The Government Accountability Office added three new areas to its biennial High-Risk list this year. It also removed one government initiative from the list. The 2020 Census is a new concern for GAO, which said the bureau's technology plans, budget and timeline are at risk.