Linda Springer

Dismantling the argument for dismantling OPM

At this point, any legislative movement to authorize dismantling OPM is most likely dead in the water. The real question is what Congress and the administration…

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Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.)/AP/Susan Walsh

Congress not yet convinced of Trump administration’s proposed OPM-GSA merger

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AP/Alex BrandonOPM-GSA merger

Trump administration’s proposed OPM-GSA merger to face tough questions, skepticism from IG

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Federal News Radio

Does the administration have what it takes to reinvigorate an outdated civil service system?

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Federal leaders say civil service merit principles are timeless. But is OPM?

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All ideas are ‘on the table’ as agencies develop reorg plans

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Communication key in preparing for continuing resolution

All signs point to the new fiscal year at starting under a continuing resolution. In Depth host Francis Rose says it’s a bad scenario, but by no means…

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Linda Springer: Don’t let a CR catch your agency unaware

Congress has 10 work days when it gets back from recess to come up with a plan to fund the government for fiscal 2016. A continuing resolution looks like…

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Linda Springer, Executive Director for Government, Ernst and Young

The drone that accidentally crashed on the White House lawn isn’t just changing procedure at the Secret Service. It’s making agencies across government think bigger about risk management, according to Linda Springer, executive director for government and public sector at Ernst and Young and former Comptroller at the Office of Management and Budget. She tells In Depth with Francis Rose about ways your agency can stay creative when thinking about worst-case scenarios.

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