In today's Federal Newscast, a new report finds senior leaders at Customs and Border Protection could have done more to address inappropriate and offensive social media comments from employees.
Four of the 18 rights have been stuck in negotiations with housing contractors.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency wants to make sure agencies don't let down their guard on Russian cyber threats.
Following an apparently successful pilot project, DoD plans to start negotiations with SAP Concur on the price tag to fully replace its existing system.
In today's Federal Newscast, senators from Maryland and Virginia pressed President Joe Biden to come up with a plan for a new FBI headquarters.
The Marines are in the midst of a thorough testing program for something that might seem like a simple thing: A new workout uniform.
The new customer base for AAFES, NEX and MCX outlets will include currently-serving DoD and Coast Guard civilians and retirees.
The Marines obsess over something simple like a PT uniform while VA sweats bullets over its electronic health record.
In a new campaign plan, the sea services say teaming traditional systems with unmanned ones will let them "rewrite the narrative" of maritime warfare.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Army issued a new strategy for straightening up the nation's flagpole in the Arctic.
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is telling the military services to stand up new violence prevention workforces, identify "high risk" bases and assess their own compliance with existing policies meant to stop sexual assault.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Transportation Security Administration is launching a national recruitment campaign to fill jobs by this summer.
With rival nations building up their navies, and in China's case getting a lot more aggressive, what should the United States' floating power look like?
Federal Drive with Tom Temin got the latest from the Executive Director of the National Veterans Legal Services Program, Bart Stichman.
Tests on VA's new system showed more than 500 serious problems as recently as last summer. The department managed to resolve or work around almost all of them by the time of its first deployment in October.