National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

What happens when a company that didn’t bid files an award protest?

A vendor of computer vision software protested a National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency award to systems integrator CACI.

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/TzidoNeurodiversity, autism, Artificial Intelligence

Federal neurodiversity playbook pushes inclusive hiring, retention practices

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Military Academies Sexual Assault

Pentagon approves higher cyber pay for NSA, other defense intelligence agencies

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A federal court reaffirms the government should look for commercial products before going custom

The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency picked a systems integrator for a computer vision project. The integrator, CACI, started to develop a proprietary…

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ODNIOffice of the Director of National Intelligence building, ODNI

Intel agencies see ‘appealing’ use cases for OTAs

Intelligence agencies are increasingly turning to OTAs to acquire capabilities in areas like artificial intelligence.

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The intelligence community is coming to grips with the power of commercial data

Intelligence analysis has long relied on data generated by people on the ground and signals in the air. Now the discussion within defense and intelligence circles centers on the potential of data available for sale, so-called commercial intelligence.

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