Given its size, OMB, though it "punches above its weight" may not be ideally suited to all of the tasks asked of it.
The Office of Management and Budget’s Dave Mader said the demand for shared services is driving the government back to consider private sector providers after several years of focusing on the government only.
New preliminary data from Deltek’s GovWin shows agencies spent only $120 million on cloud computing in 2016 despite it being six years since OMB’s cloud-first policy.
Experts say until the government moves to a continuous evaluation program of employees and contractors with clearances, threats from employees will continue to grow.
The next president's administration will rely heavily on the Office of Management and Budget's expertise in crafting a governmentwide management agenda, but only after it gets a handle on the protracted budget process.
The website will launch in a few weeks and it will be a place where agencies can find cybersecurity best practices. The site is part of a multi-pronged approach to closing gaps in federal cybersecurity. Educating and training the government cyber workforce is another priority of the new federal chief information security officer.
The Government Accountability Office says it's helping agencies move from a "pay-and-chase" mentality to a broader, more risk-based approach to combating fraud. Yet even with help from GAO and OMB, agencies still need better data analytics tools and stronger leadership attention to address the root causes of fraud.
The Office of Federal Procurement Policy issued a draft circular to institutionalize category management, but some experts question whether the initiative needs more time before putting into policy.
NAPA and Heritage release papers promoting evidence-based policymaking while the Reason Foundation highlights the lack of public-private competition under Circular A-76.
The Office of Management and Budget's cross-agency team of mobility experts will soon publish its ideas for an enterprise-wide mobile strategy. The team's work is the result of a final memo OMB published in August, which pushes agencies to cut back and consolidate their mobile service agreements and contracts.
The Office of Personnel Management issued new guidance last month about human resource matters for SESers and outgoing political appointees. GAO plans to develop an app to focus on top federal management priorities for the next administration and members of Congress.
The 26th annual survey CIOs by Grant Thornton and the Professional Services Council found cloud computing moved into the top five priorities, but several obstacles still remain.
The Cancer Moonshot initiative is increasingly relying on open data to link patients with treatments, but with that data sharing come questions of how best to protect confidential and personal information.
President Barack Obama signed the continuing resolution Thursday, which Congress passed yesterday. The measure keeps the government functioning through Dec. 9.
The Senate twice failed to approve a cloture vote on Sept. 27 to stop debate on the short-term continuing resolution attached to a House bill which lawmakers are using as the legislative vehicle to fund the government and avert a government shutdown. The vote would have officially ended debate on the continuing resolution, allowing a final passage vote on the bill.