performance management

Library of CongressCommerce Department

Agencies advised to think ahead when working PMA goals into strategic plans

Agencies are expected to incorporate President’s Management Agenda initiatives into their multi-year strategic planning, some of which, including the Commerce…

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/Jirsak)federal hiring

Step increases are ‘nearly automatic’ for most federal employees, MSPB says

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/eskaylimFITARA

Agencies are rethinking performance management in the pandemic era too

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Federal News Radio pinwheel icon

USDA to switch to ‘pass-fail’ performance management system, new awards policy this fall

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/scyther5best places to work in the federal government, small business, VBA

Too hard to reward federal employees? VBA says it’s found a way

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USDSU.S. Digital Service, White House, cyber skill

2020 is the year for scaling up Trump administration workforce pilots

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Getty Images/iStockphoto/Murat G??menperformance management

Agencies get even more performance management, disciplinary guidance from OPM

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OPM tells agencies to review, streamline performance management, disciplinary policies

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Leaders speak on performance management in government

Performance management initiatives over the past two decades helped shift the conversation within and across U.S. government agencies—from a focus on…

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Performance management: a conversation with John Kamensky

What are some of the key challenges in performance management today? How are other governments around the world using performance management? What are…

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cyber talent

Trump administration to focus in on federal employee performance awards, reskilling in 2019

The Trump administration is also planning to study the full scope of federal employees’ pay, benefits other opportunities for recognition, in effort to prove to Congress that the workforce would benefit from more flexible performance-based awards over across-the-board pay raises.

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