whistleblower retaliation

Courtesy of: https://www.justice.gov/archives/olp/staff-profile/former-assistant-attorney-general-office-legal-policy-hampton-y-dellingerHampton Yeats Dellinger

For federal employee justice, some continuity in leadership

Sometimes things work sort of normally in the government when it comes to federal workplace justice. The Senate last week confirmed the new Special Counsel.

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DoDGlenn Fine, inspector general, Defense Department

Trump’s watchdog shakeup underscores legal limits for IG independence

The pandemic board will oversee more than $2 trillion in spending, but recent shakeups in its leadership raise longstanding questions about the independence…

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Despite laws, federal whistleblowers still face problems

For the latest thinking in the whistleblower community, the Federal Drive with Tom Temin spoke to the co-founder and general counsel of the National Whistleblower…

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Founding partner of the Federal Practice Group.

Whistleblower retaliation: Wrong when Nixon did it, wrong now, and — fingers crossed — wrong tomorrow

Debra D’Agostino, a founding partner of the Federal Practice Group, explains why she’s worried about the cracks in the civil services and whistleblower laws.

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