Chief information security officers oversee a cybersecurity workforce that deals with everything from foreign hackers to disgruntled insiders.
Ostendio Founder & CEO Grant Elliott joins host John Gilroy on this week's Federal Tech Talk, to discuss how his company can help federal agencies comply with a wide range of security standards. August 22, 2017
The Committee on National Security Systems released a new supply chain risk management policy in late July.
Lured by Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, the Baltimore Cyber Range has helped the city become a center for cybersecurity training.
Rob Foster’s last day as the Department of Navy chief information officer is Aug. 18.
Karen Evans, director of the U.S. Cyber Challenge, comments on the lack of cybersecurity expertise in government.
Roopangi Kadakia, the Veterans Affairs Department’s chief cloud strategist, is leaving for the private sector.
GAO's Greg Wilshusen joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss a recent GAO progress report on how OPM is working through its cybersecurity challenges
The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) program latest iteration helps turn work roles into codes.
Air Force cybersecurity officials worry that the rank-and-file may be too preoccupied with the nuts and bolts of compliance.
Educational opportunity is the most important motivation government can use to attract cybersecurity talent, even more than pay or mission.
Along with Danny Toler, Dave DeVries, OPM’s CIO, is leaving government service and Grant Schneider takes on additional duties at the NSC.
The Internal Revenue Service continues to work on improving customer service.
Acquisition and cyber experts say the government’s decision to remove Kaspersky Lab from the GSA schedule and a continued push by lawmakers to ban the technology is highly unusual and could create a trade war.
The State Department quietly launched a new Cyber and Technology Security (CTS) directorate, which falls within the Diplomatic Security Service, to address threats and vulnerabilities for embassies, consulates and foreign affairs officers.