Eight Pentagon entrances will be closed and mandatory temperature taking may be put into effect to enter the building.
AWS objection argues DoD's corrective action plan doesn't go far enough, and that it should be forced to reopen and reconsider multiple aspects of the contract.
Thousands of troops are stuck waiting until May for their next move.
The Office Management and Budget released FAQs for agencies and contractors to deal with coronavirus while DoD released a memo detailing what essential vendors mean for them.
The Defense Department raised its threshold for 8(a) sole source contracts to $100 million as required by the 2020 Defense authorization bill. While not related to coronavirus outbreak, the timing is important.
With more than a million uniformed employees, the Defense Department occasionally has people who break the law. When that happens, the DoD's law enforcement agencies are supposed to report information to the FBI.
Some options under the DPA are already employed on a semi-routine basis by the Defense Department and other agencies but could play a bigger role against the coronavirus.
The Trump administration says it's replacing the acting chief of the National Counterterrorism Center
The United Services Organization is helping quarantined troops stay busy with entertainment packages.
More than 2,000 Guardsmen are already working for the states, that number will double by the weekend.
Federal agencies have requested an additional $45.8 billion in funding for 2020 alone, which the White House said is necessary for its governmentwide response to the coronavirus. Extra telework support is at the top of the list.
When it comes to potentially deadly shock waves, modern military helmet designs are not getting the job done.
The Pentagon's role in responding to the coronavirus outbreak in the U.S. is rapidly expanding, with the likely deployment of Navy hospital ships and Army field hospitals
The Air Force's trial at connected weapons systems in real time will be pushed until June.
The Defense Department has set up a daily call with associations representing its vendors to take stock of how the coronavirus is impacting its industrial base while the White House has activated a 1950 law to give agencies procurement priority.