House lawmakers are denouncing Defense Department plans to use military funds to pay for President Donald Trump's border wall
The Pentagon's inspector general says it will investigate a watchdog group's allegations that acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan has used his office to promote his former employer, Boeing Co.
The Defense Department has approved a new policy that will largely bar transgender troops and military recruits from transitioning to another sex
Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson says she is resigning to become president of the University of Texas at El Paso.
A top Senate Democrat said the Pentagon is planning to tap $1 billion in leftover funds from military pay and pensions accounts to help President Donald Trump pay for his long-sought border wall.
President Donald Trump's administration is seeking to stem the number of veteran suicides with a plan to boost outreach by awarding grants to community programs
The White House is firing an opening shot in an upcoming fight with Capitol Hill Democrats over spending on domestic agencies that face sharp budget cuts without a new budget deal
A vessel that bears the name of Oklahoma's second-largest city has been commissioned as the newest warship in the U.S. Navy's fleet. The USS Tulsa was commissioned on Saturday at a pier in San Francisco.
The head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency has resigned, after a two-year tenure in which he managed the response to historic wildfires and major hurricanes but was dogged by questions over his use of government vehicles
The Army is developing a new, more grueling and complex fitness exam that adds dead lifts, power throws and other exercises designed to make soldiers more fit and ready for combat
A Pentagon report says the total number of sexual assaults at the three U.S. military academies increased slightly last year, but an anonymous survey suggests far more encounters are going unreported
The Supreme Court is allowing the Trump administration to go ahead with its plan to restrict military service by transgender men and women while court challenges continue
Republican lawmakers optimistic Trump administration would not use disaster money to fund border wall
No deal reached to end shutdown as President Trump and congressional leaders meet at the White House
Leaving Pentagon, Mattis urges workers to 'keep the faith in our country'