In today's Federal Newscast, Homeland Security Committee chairman Bennie Thompson wants to know what DHS is doing to keep employees safe.
An IG inspection found half a billion dollars in unfunded maintenance items at DoD health care facilities, including at least seven that could cause death or serious injuries.
The Treasury Department and Small Business Administration this week said they would deliver at least some of the data about pandemic stimulus spending. After all, it involves $2 trillion.
Lawmakers are awaiting answers from the Small Business Administration on pandemic spending data requested by the Government Accountability Office.
The National Academy of Public Administration sorted out Trump administration appointed officials at NOAA contradicting the National Weather Service.
The Government Accountability Office found that the bureau has not evaluated whether the data sources it feeds into the indexes produce accurate ones.
Lifecycle costs at agencies that operate ships, aircraft, satellites can be predicted and kept under control.
In today's Federal Newscast, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told the House Oversight and Reform Committee the law allows inspectors general on the committee to review spending under the Paycheck Protection Program, and other funds previously in question.
In today's Federal Newscast, some EPA employees say they feel uncomfortable returning to the office as OIG conducts a review.
To make sure NARA can still open digital records years from now, the agency has released a Digital Preservation Framework with digital recordkeeping best practices for hundreds of file formats.
In today's Federal Newscast, lawmakers request transcripts from Trump administration call regarding the elimination of the Office of Personnel Management.
Bloomberg Government's report on the 200 largest federal contractors contains few surprises, but reveals a few trends you might not be aware of.
Somebody has to organize all of the considerations and best practices for reopening agencies -- the Government Accountability Office.
The firings and shufflings of inspectors general that have occurred recently in the Trump administration have worried whistleblower advocates.
Members of Congress seized on the report's findings as a wake-up call about gaps in the oversight of emergency pandemic spending and pointed to better data-sharing as a way to prevent the problem.