In today's Federal Newscast, a new report finds senior leaders at Customs and Border Protection could have done more to address inappropriate and offensive social media comments from employees.
Last week we asked how people were holding up with telework. There were so many good replies we're going to have to split the results.
Masks are no longer required for fully-vaccinated employees, contractors and visitors inside federal buildings, the Office of Management and Budget told agencies last week. Maximum telework guidelines remain in place.
The United States will likely be involved in Iraq at some level for a long time. It still has contracting going on via the State Dept. Recently State's Office of Inspector General looked at whether contracting activity was properly staffed to ensure oversight. For more, the Federal Drive turned to the director of the OIG's office of audits, Mike Vennemann.
Each year the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission hosts a training conference for HR and EEO practitioners in both government and industry.
Even as it debates a trillion here and a trillion there, Congress hasn't overlooked some of the close-to-home issues like federal pay.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Pentagon says military members and civilian employees can do their jobs without masks, as long as they’re fully vaccinated.
A careful examination of DoD's use of consortiums for other transaction agreements found the Pentagon doesn't have a clear picture of its billions in OTA spending, who the recipients are, and what it's getting for those investments.
Moving quickly on directions from Congress, the Trump Administration dissolved what had been DoD's third highest-ranking position during its last week in office. The Biden Administration hasn't yet decided if it wants to alter those plans.
California’s Vandenberg Air Force Basehas been renamed as a U.S. Space Force Base
As pandemic guidelines change, the House Oversight and Reform Committee advanced legislation that would require specific workplace safety plans from federal agencies as they prepare to reopen offices.
Few images of Americana are more widely recognized than the giant presidential sculptures of Mount Rushmore. But there's much more to running a big national park than keeping viewing wall in good repair.
In today's Federal Newscast, the watchdog for the Office of Personnel Management says the agency didn't do enough to inform its employees of positive or suspected COVID-19 cases last year.
The 2021 Postal Service Reform Act has support from Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and Republicans on the committee. Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) and Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) are cosponsors of the bill.
The Government Accountability Office identified an additional 112 steps this year that agencies and Congress could take to eliminate overlap and duplication within an untold number of federal programs and initiatives.