Chris Geldart, director of the District of Columbia's Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, joins host Derrick Dortch to discuss lessons learned from...
(This show originally aired on April 1, 2016)
This week on “Fed Access”, Chris Geldart, director of the District of Columbia’s Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, joins host Derrick Dortch for a wide ranging discussion of how the agency works and how it’s handled a series of issues in the last few months.
Geldart talks about the lessons learned from the 2017 snowstorm that dumped more than two feet of snow on the region. He discusses the agency’s preparations for the storm and the cleanup afterward.
He also explains how DC handled traffic operations in the city during the recent daylong shutdown of the Metro system, and what his agency is doing to prepare for the Presidential Inauguration in 2017.
Finally Geldart talked about the terrorist bombings in Belgium and how his agency would respond if a similar attack occurred in the district.
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