mental health care

HHS launches its promised health innovation network

The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health has proceeded with its promised network of health innovation sites. Anchoring the network are three regional…

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Musurlian, Peter

Energy Department widens the hunt for novel energy technologies

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(Energy Department)Department of Energy

The Energy Department pursues cleaner and more efficient biofuel

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Perry defends proposed 2020 budget despite cuts to ‘critical’ programs

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In this July 20 photo, solar panels installed by Tesla, power a community of 12 homes in the mountain town of Las Piedras, Puerto Rico. The homes still do not have power from the national grid, more than 10 months after Hurricane Maria and now is operating exclusively on solar energy. (AP Photo/ Dennis M. Rivera Pichardo)

Trump budget proposes shuttering Energy’s experimental research agency for the 3rd time

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Christian Vittorio

Consolidating Energy Dept.’s R&D, selling electrical infrastructure in reorg plan startles senators

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Cutting-edge research projects change face of energy

The Energy Department has awarded $92 million for 43 cutting-edge research projects aimed at improving how Americans use and produce energy. Dr. Arun Majumdar,…

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ARPA-E seeks to change future energy technologies

New arm of the Department of Energy hopes to be what DARPA is for DoD.

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