Cato Institute


Federal pay falls even further behind the private sector

Over the last year, federal sector wages fell 27.54% behind those in the private sector, a more than 3% jump in the pay gap since 2022.

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(AP Photo/Elise Amendola)federal employees, pay

Calls to ban use of salary history reveal deeper issues in federal pay system

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(Getty Images/iStockphoto/AndreyPopov)Man Holding Two Coin Stacks To Compare

Advocacy groups raise concerns about federal pay system amid growing wage gap

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AP/Evan Vuccipostal service, Megan Brennan

Postal Service will run out of cash by 2024 without congressional reform

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More robust personnel oversight could be solution to Border Patrol termination problem

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James Lankford

How Sen. Lankford wants to resolve and prevent ‘Federal Fumbles’

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Federal employees take issue with Cato’s public-private wage gap study

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Net Worth

Latest study on federal compensation puts public, private pay gap at widest margin yet

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Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., left, talks to the committee's ranking member Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I. on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, July 11, 2017, during the committee's confirmation hearing for Navy Secretary nominee Richard Spencer.  (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

McCain, Reed float trial balloon for another BRAC round

The top two members of the Senate Armed Services Committee are floating a proposal that would finally allow another round of military base closures several…

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David Bier: DHS E-verify system needs a makeover

The Homeland Security Department’s E-Verify program is supposed to keep illegal aliens from taking jobs in the United States. But the identification system…

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FILE - In this Nov. 21, 2013 file photo reviewed by the U.S. military, dawn arrives at the now closed Camp X-Ray, which was used as the first detention facility for al-Qaida and Taliban militants who were captured after the Sept. 11 attacks at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba. A former al-Qaida militant who gained fame with the publication of a diary about life at Guantanamo Bay has been approved for release from the detention center at the U.S. base in Cuba, the American Civil Liberties Union announced Wednesday, July 20, 2016. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

DoD tries to calm Congress over new BRAC request

The Defense Department is looking to conduct another round of Base Realignment and Closure in 2021, but as usual, lawmakers are jumpy about losing military bases in their districts.

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