The Government Accountability Office identified an additional 112 steps this year that agencies and Congress could take to eliminate overlap and duplication within an untold number of federal programs and initiatives.
The Veterans Benefits Administration said it can recover its disability claims backlog relatively quickly, but Congress is concerned the agency is relying on contractors to get the bulk of the work done.
For one view of what's ahead, Federal Drive with Tom Temin turned to the new Senate Sergeant at Arms Ret. Army Lt. Gen. Karen Gibson.
Thanks to a ballooning Technology Modernization Fund, agencies will have the money they’ve said they need. Their plans, though, need a little work according to the Government Accountability Office.
The committee will markup the 2021 Postal Service Reform Act in a meeting this Thursday. Committee Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) previewed her bill at a hearing in February, and got Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s feedback on some of its key points.
Had the outcome gone differently, the case could have had potentially precedential consequences for federal employees, according to the Office of Special Counsel.
The Veterans Affairs Office of Inspector General is in the midst of a region-by-region look at how well its facilities perform their mission. No surprise, the COVID pandemic is a big part of the look-see.
By investing $80 billion in the IRS over the next decade, the White House expects the agency can collect an additional $700 billion over the same period of time.
This week, Michael Binder spoke with Mark Greenblatt, who has been inspector general for the Interior Department since 2019.
More money to expand the IRS and raises for TSA officers - both are on the agenda as Congress returns to Washington this week.
When federal agencies make financial grants to science and technology researchers, scouring their proposals for possible conflicts of interest is a big part of the process.
OMB released new guidance to agencies today for how the Technology Modernization Fund board will loan out the windfall funding Congress approved.
The Whistleblower Protection Improvement Act would grant whistleblowers access to a federal district court jury trial if the Merit Systems Protection Board does not issue a decision in 180 days, or 240 days in complex cases.
A bill that would remove sexual assault investigations from the military chain of command now has 46 Senate co-sponsors, including 10 Republicans.
The Social Security Administration said it would begin to incrementally bring more staff back to work in person at its field offices, as senators say the workarounds the agency implemented during the pandemic are falling short.