Phased retirement: Here but not for everybody!

The good news is that phased retirement is here at last. OPM has issued the draft regulations that will permit some people to transition into retirement. The...

For nearly a year now, we’ve been hearing from retirement-age feds anxious to take advantage of a long-pending plan that would allow them to take phased retirement. The rules — now almost official — make it possible for some people to work several days per week, get prorated pay and pension benefits and ease into retirement. All the while helping to train younger, new workers or those who will replace them.

The change, which was approved by Congress last year, will allow some — maybe many — career feds to briefly join the Federal “TWT club” previously made up almost exclusive of senators and representatives. TWT stands for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday which for years now has become the normal Washington work week for many, maybe most, of the nation’s political leaders.

While the phased-retirement rules were in the works, we heard from a number of feds who were champing at the bit to take advantage of them. One GSA employee said “the day I get the word that phased retirement has been approved I’m marching upstairs to the boss’ office and putting in my papers. It will be perfect for me … a dream come true.”

Reality check time. Phased retirement is not for everybody, even if you have been dreaming of it, and planning for it, for a long, long time.

The bottom line is that the vast majority of federal workers will probably never take part in phased-retirement, no matter how badly they want it, how long they’ve planned for it and how good (at least in their opinion) it would be for the government and their agency.

Phased retirement is a management option. You can ask, but you can’t demand, it.


Compiled by Jack Moore

Movie previews are called trailers even though now they typically appear before a feature presentation, because in the early days of the movies, the ads would be spliced onto the end of movie reels, thus trailing the actual film.

(Source: Today I Found Out)


IG: ‘Serious problems’ with OPM’s $2B revolving fund must be addressed
The Office of Personnel Management’s inspector general says he needs $6 million to address “serious problems” with the agency’s $2 billion revolving fund. Patrick McFarland told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that his current budget isn’t nearly enough to root out waste, fraud and abuse across the revolving fund and other areas of OPM.

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OPM processes fewer retirement applications than expected in May
The Office of Personnel Management’s efforts to process retirement claims and reduce a longstanding backlog slipped last month, after the agency was forced to cancel employee overtime because of automatic budget cuts. OPM processed 10,954 claims in May, according to new data – 546 fewer than it had projected. That’s only the third time in the past 16 months – since the agency rolled out a new plan for clearing the backlog – that OPM failed to hit its processing goal.

Nominations open for 2013 Causey Awards
Federal employees had their work cut out for them in 2012. They needed to stay focused on their missions while the White House, Congress and the public criticized federal pay, resources and motivation. Last year tested the mettle of the dedicated civil servant. And throughout 2012, feds demonstrated their innovative, progressive and money-saving solutions.

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