Roxanna Vigil, Foreign Affairs Officer and Venezuela Desk Officer in the State Department's Office of Andean Affairs, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, shares her thoughts about being a public servant with Federal News Radio.
Brian Morales discusses some of his career highlights as chief of the Criminal Justice Division of the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs at the Department of State.
Corin Stone, NSA's executive director, talks to Woman of Washington’hosts Aileen Black and Gigi Schumm.
The Homeland Security Department created a how-to guide for mobile apps for developers, business owners and others to help overcome some common challenges when moving toward a digital government.
The Social Security Administration is pairing up with the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services to ensure that social security benefit recipients over the age of 90 are, in fact, still alive.
Hundreds of federal employees say their agencies provided them with at least some information on changes in commuter benefits. In an exclusive Federal News Radio survey, government workers said that information varied widely when it came to when and what their agency said, and whether employees would receive the benefits at all.
The Energy Department’s Federal Energy Management Program Office made four awards under its Assisting Federal Facilities with Energy Conservation Technologies (AFFECT) program to help agencies get over the hump on renewable energy projects.
The Freedom of Information Act has been the law of the land for 50 years, but former government officials say the landmark transparency bill doesn't empower agency offices to reduce their huge information request backlogs.
The Office of Personnel Management is granting Direct-Hire Authority to certain federal agencies so they can fill needed jobs to fight the Zika threat.
More than a year after agencies first began embedding digital services teams into their organizations, IT leaders are seeing the benefits of adopting a more agile, incremental mentality -- rather than bending to old policies and standard protocols.
Here's a breakdown of major agencies and the proposed funding amounts for fiscal 2017, which are included the President Obama's $1.1 trillion budget.
Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) authored a provision in the fiscal 2016 omnibus spending bill requiring OMB to create governmentwide customer service standards.
GSA awarded six vendors a spot on a blanket purchase agreement to provide integration and implementation services for Salesforce tools.
Over the last several months, security researchers, private firms and some governmental organizations have expressed alarm at federal rules intended to prevent proliferation of offensive cyber tools.
I don't understand the repeated concern about harvesting social media for clues to possible security breaches. The whole social media scene resembles nothing so much as a platform for self-revelation.