Jill Singer, partner at Deep Water Point and former CIO of the National Reconnaissance Office, sits down with Women of Washington radio show hosts Aileen Black and...
(This show originally aired June 25 and reaired July 2.)
Jill Singer, partner at Deep Water Point and former CIO of the National Reconnaissance Office, sits down with Women of Washington radio show hosts Aileen Black and Gigi Schumm, for a discussion about cloud computing and insider threats in the Intelligence Community post Edward Snowden.
In light of today’s increased risk of insider threats, Singer believes agencies need to be watchful for future leaks “by encrypting data in transit, in use, and on screen.” Singer also says there needs to be a scaled migration within agencies from compliance to risk management and, ultimately, to implementing counter measures. She says an increased focus on vetting and verifying employees, along with monitoring current workers, is part of the key to minimizing insider threats.
Federal agencies are adopting a cloud approach Singer calls “enterprise cloud,” a private cloud that lets an agency customize its software to meet its security needs. Singer believes the enterprise cloud will allow both civilian and classified agencies to utilize the benefits of cloud computing while remaining watchful of an agency’s specific risk posture.
Singer also discusses her path through the ranks of the Intelligence Community — from her start as an ambitious college grad recruited by the CIA until now. On the way, she notes both receiving and offering mentorship has been instrumental to her success. Singer talks about how to get more girls interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) careers and shares advice for young women in the Intelligence Community.
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