SBA, CDC, NRC offer buyouts

The three agencies have joined a growing number that are offering incentive payments for employees to leave the payroll. Federal News Radio provides a roundu...

Due to a technical issue, the date of this story had changed to July 13, 2012. The story has been changed to its original date.

By Ruben Gomez
Federal News Radio

The Small Business Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Nuclear Regulatory Commission have joined the list of agencies hoping to trim payroll expenses by offering buyouts to employees.

SBA will offer buyouts to 300 employees, spokesperson Mike Stamler told Federal News Radio. The agency expects to begin accepting applications in a few weeks but did not provide specific dates.

CDC is actively pursuing buyouts and early retirement offers, an agency spokesperson told Federal News Radio. But it has not said how many offers it will make available.

“We are in the process of conducting an extensive analysis of our current workforce in relation to program directions, skills required prospectively, and budget forecasts based on the President’s budget and initial Congressional appropriation levels for CDC in FY 12,” said Tom Skinner, a CDC senior public affairs officer. “We anticipate completing this work in the next 1-2 months.”

The NRC has begun moving forward with an initiative to trim its workforce, with newly authorized buyout and early retirement offers, agency spokesperson Janet Kotra told Federal News Radio. The agency is targeting 48 positions, most of them management and program analysis jobs at headquarters. Employees who accept offers must separate by Jan. 14.

The SBA, CDC and NRC have joined many others that have used or are considering buyouts and early outs to shave spending. On Oct. 7, for example, the Agriculture Department’s Rural Development division told employees that it would accept applications for 1,966 buyouts. And the Air Force is offering separation incentive payments for more than 6,000 civilian positions.

Employees signing up for buyouts

Even as agencies announce new buyout offers, others are beginning to see results from earlier announcements. For example, the Government Printing Office, which sought permission to offer buyouts and early outs, received 320 applications, GPO spokesperson Gary Somerset told Federal News Radio.

And NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center approved buyout applications for 120 employees, said Danny Hightower, manager of the center’s Human Resources Services Office. Those employees will receive incentive payments of up to $25,000 and must leave the agency by Dec. 31.


Buyout money can help – and hurt – your wallet

Buyout guide: A list of agencies considering or offering buyouts

Air Force to offer buyouts to 6,000 civilians

NRC wants permission for employee buyouts

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