Jack Midgley, executive officer, Defense and Social Infrastructure, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co. Ltd., joins host Roger Waldron to discuss the company's 2016...
(This show originally aired on May 24, 2016)
This week on “Off the Shelf”, Jack Midgley, executive officer, Defense and Social Infrastructure, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co. Ltd., highlights Deloitte’s Global Defense Outlook 2016.
This year’s analysis focuses on key strategic trends including the relationship between economic development and moderating defense budgets across the globe.
Deloitte uses a new analytical tool, the Defense Posture Index, to assess and articulate country by country defense profiles and capabilities. In addition, Outlook 2016 provides key insights on cyber vulnerabilities and where the US stands worldwide.
Finally, among other items, the report examines key maritime commerce trends and what these trends mean for the world’s navies.
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