executive order

White House Executive order

Biden’s executive order to protect Americans’ personal data: A step in the right direction, but other factors must still be addressed

Every day, Americans’ data is legitimately sold and resold through data brokers.

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Congressman investigates ‘overreach’ of ‘coercive’ 2021 vaccination order for federal employees

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Dispute between Army and union at Rock Island Arsenal leads to legal challenge

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3 requirements for agencies under Biden’s new executive order on equity

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Biden administration fends off challenge to higher minimum wage for federal contractors

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Joe Biden

Contractors say this latest labor proposal aims to fix a non-existent problem

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microphone, headphones

How to build and maintain sustainability in government contracting

While necessary to harness the federal government’s buying power in addressing the climate crisis, new acquisition regulations could inadvertently serve…

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White House wants agencies to increase, improve collection of LGBTQ data

Federal data experts say decades of research on sexual orientation and gender identity can point agencies in the right direction on including LGBTQ populations…

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AbilityOneWorker with disabilities using accessibility tools

Promotions, mindsets, encouraging environments: 3 workplace improvements for people with disabilities

Problems persist for federal workers with disabilities 32 years after the Americans with Disabilities Act. Here’s what experts say could improve workplace environments.

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