The Government Accountability Office is planning to release a report in early fiscal 2022 about the cybersecurity impacts of technologies adopted in response to the pandemic.
Government agencies still lag far behind the private sector when it comes to attracting elite technology talent, and reconciling this will be critical to ensuring that a remote-first infrastructure succeeds.
In today's Federal Newscast, new salary caps mean House staffers can now make up to nearly $200,000 a year.
In today's Federal Newscast, NASA is able to move forward with a contract award involved with its plans for sending people back to the moon.
House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations released the latest agency grades on progress around IT modernization goals.
How can the resources marshaled to get private citizens into space be marshalled for better human relations on earth?
A former senior NASA employee who cheated the government out of nearly $275,000 in pandemic-related financial assistance has been sentenced to 18 months in prison.
In today's Federal Newscast, Air Force contracting officials and law enforcement have agreed to crackdown on acquisition fraud. The State Department is under fire for its backlog of passport applications.
In the first post-pandemic best places to workings, feds give agencies high marks for handling the crisis.
In this month’s episode, we spotlight innovation in the Federal Technology market and then have a conversation on technology leadership and careers.
Scores are published by the Partnership for Public Service, whose Vice President of Federal Workforce Programs, Michelle Amante, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin.
Results from this year's Best Places to Work rankings show federal agencies receiving high marks in their handling of the pandemic, but leadership effectiveness scores still showed much room for improvement.
In today's Federal Newscast, the Paycheck Protection Program, a feature of the 2020 legislation to help the country in the pandemic, has ended.
For the latest, Federal Drive with Tom Temin turned to the GAO's director of contracting and national security acquisition issues, William Russell.
The Space Hour spoke to former President and CEO of VOX Space Mandy Vaughn