For Your Benefit

ForYourBenefit Farewell

Host Bob Leins, CPA® welcomes back our original program guests Tammy Flanagan, NITP Senior Benefits Director, Karen Schaeffer, CFP®, Marc Levine, Esquire,…

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Estate planning without estate planning: How joint ownership and beneficiary designations transfer assets at your death

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The Cost and Value of Federal Benefits

Host Bob Leins, CPA® and cohost Ray Kirk, Ph.D., welcome Phil Gardner, Federal Benefits Specialist.

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It’s National Make a Will Month – Let’s Get Started

Host Bob Leins, CPA® welcomes Karen Schaeffer, CFP® and Megan Schaeffer, Estate Planning Attorney. 

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Roth vs. Traditional IRA and Roth TSP vs. Pre-tax TSP and a Perspective on RMDs

Host Bob Leins, CPA® welcomes John Jilek, CFP®.

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Host Bob Leins

Host Bob Leins

Host Bob Leins and presenters from NITP, Inc., the national leader in Federal benefits and retirement planning seminars, present information and strategies to assist the Federal worker at all career stages. Each week, ForYourBenefit features topics of interest to the Federal community including Federal benefits, Social Security, financial planning, TSP, estate planning and more. Email your questions to Subscribe on Apple Podcasts or Podcast One.

Mondays 10 AM | NITP Offers Open Enrollment Webinars

Mondays 10 AM | NITP Offers Open Enrollment Webinars