Market Chat

Episode 16: Government and industry communication and collaboration - a discussion with Department of Homeland Security procurement

Market Chat

Episode 14: How to leverage customer experience as a tool for government marketing (and gain customer loyalty)

Head shots of Walston, Brossman and Rosenfeld
Amtower Off-Center

GovCon marketing and the 2019 event landscape

Market Chat

Episode 13: Get in the game of multi-partner marketing with distributors

Lou Anne Brossman
What's Working in Washington

Successfully marketing to government entities

Market Chat

Episode 12: Marketing IT Service Offerings: Ensure your messaging is on target with helping government improve performance, customer experience and operational costs

Market Chat

Episode 11: Cybersecurity - become a cybersecurity thought leader

Head shot of Brossmand and Walston
Amtower Off-Center

What to do in Q1 FY19

Market Chat

Episode 10: Bridging the gap between IT and healthcare

Market Chat

Episode 9: Winning federal business with small agencies

Group photo
Amtower Off-Center

"The more things change..."

Market Chat

Episode 8: Winning federal business takes an orchestra!

Market Chat

Episode 7: How to successfully market to government during a CR

Federal Acquisition, GSA
Amelia Brust/Federal News Network
Amtower Off-Center

Hot topics in government marketing

Market Chat

Episode 6: End of Year Buying Marketing Hype – FACT or FICTION?

Market Chat

Episode 5: Marketing Best Practices for State and Local Government