ASMC The Business of Defense

  • The U.S. Air Force on Tuesday awarded Lockheed Martin Corp a contract to retrofit 40 F-22 fighter aircraft with an automatic backup oxygen supply after some pilots experienced oxygen deprivation when flying the supersonic plane. Reuters reports the contract is worth $19 million, runs through April 2013, and includes retrofitting 10 spare aircraft. Currently oxygen supply requires manual activation by the F-22 Raptor pilot.

    June 07, 2012
  • The following is a full transcript of FedCentral’ s interview with Cesar Hidalgo, Assistant Professor, MIT Media Lab and Faculty Associate, Harvard University Center for International Development and JR Reagan, Principal and Federal Chief Innovation…

    June 06, 2012
  • With increased budget constraints, how can agency leaders engage in new and existing innovations that encourage effective collaboration between the public and private sector? Tune-in as César Hidalgo, Assistant Professor, MIT Media Lab and JR Reagan, Principal, Deloitte & Touch LLP discuss innovation and its role in the Federal government.

    June 06, 2012
  • An American general has been replaced after reports quoted him as saying U.S. and South Korean special forces have been parachuting into North Korea on espionage missions. Brig. Gen. Neil Tolley was quoted as making the comments during a conference in Florida last month. Both he and the military later said that no special operation forces have been sent into North Korea. The U.S. military command in Seoul said Tuesday the departure of Tolley is a routine personnel change.

    June 06, 2012
  • Efficient recruitment and hiring practices might seem like a hard get at a high-security agency like NSA. But Kathy Hutson, the director of human resources at the National Security Agency, says the hiring protocols at her agency today demostrate all the reforms the Office of Personnel Management is recommending for the rest of government.

    June 06, 2012
  • Kathy Hutson is the director of human resources at the National Security Agency.

    June 05, 2012
  • The United States and Vietnam have exchanged artifacts of war, including a U.S. soldier's written account of life under fire before his death and a Vietnam trooper's diary held for over 40 years by an American GI. At a ceremony in Hanoi, Vietnamese defense minister Phung Quang Thanh delivered the letters to Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, who in turn gave Thanh the small maroon diary taken from the body of the Vietnamese man by a U.S. service member who brought it home with him.

    June 05, 2012
  • Participants in the Health 2.0 Boston Big Data Code-a-Thon were challenged to create applications that turned large amounts of health data into usable information. The winner - the "No Sleep Kills" website, which teaches people about the dangers of not getting enough sleep. Developers used data from multiple sources including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to create the site.

    June 04, 2012
  • Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says he does not see the U.S. taking military action in Syria without the backing of a U.N. Security Council resolution. According to Reuters, Panetta says his greatest responsibility is to make sure that if U.S. troops are deployed in any military role, that America has the support it needs from the international community. His comments came after Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, suggested that some type of military intervention may be the only remaining option because diplomatic efforts so far have failed to remove Syrian President Bashar Assad from power.

    June 04, 2012
  • The National Institute of Standards and Technology is trying to demystify cloud computing for federal agencies. They've just published the final version of a document called Cloud Computing Synopsis and Recommendations. In it, NIST aims to provide a plain-language breakdown of how clouds are deployed, what services they can offer, typical terms of service, and security issues. NIST says the publication is aimed at IT decision makers, designed to help them decide what cloud technologies and configurations will meet their needs.

    June 01, 2012