Federal Report

  • Most individuals have a time period they consider the good old days...when kids were kids...people didn\'t lock their doors. But Mike Causey says that for many federal workers the good old days didn\'t last very long because they only included last weekend!

    April 14, 2011
  • Federal Times editor Steve Watkins joins host Mike Causey to talk about what\'s next for federal workers and retirees. April 13, 2011

    April 13, 2011
  • Is Puce your favorite color? If not now, it may be if the government adopts a brilliant plan that Senior Correspondent Mike Causey reports will color code civil servants so we can tell who is essential and necessary and must stay on the job and who can be sent home during the next shutdown.

    April 13, 2011
  • During the runup to the possible government shutdown last week did the boss tell you Uncle Sam couldn\'t do without you, or were you on the go-home-and-wait-for-orders list? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says for the latter, he feels your pain.

    April 12, 2011
  • Given the nonperformance of Congress, federal workers better learn to live with furlough threats. So whether we dodge the bullet or not this time, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has a checklist you should clip and save...for the next time.

    April 11, 2011
  • Washington is about to get the drop on Hollywood. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it\'s working up a sitcom in which the servants revolt and put the people who pay their salaries out of work. Insiders say it will be called \"Shutdown II.\"

    April 08, 2011
  • If you are worried about the effect of a shutdown on your paycheck, tax refund or Social Security check there are two informal hotlines (one for Republicans and one for Democrats) you can reach out to. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey requests you let us know how that works out, okay?

    April 07, 2011
  • Colleen Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union talks about government shutdowns, and what happens if the federal government closes its doors. April 6, 2011

    April 06, 2011
  • Do you know what furlough-bait looks like? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says if you have a mirror handy it easy to find out.

    April 06, 2011
  • If there is a government shutdown will you be working or furloughed without pay? What happens to Social Security, and will your tax refund be processed in a timely manner. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says most feds, and most taxpayers, remain in the dark.

    April 05, 2011
  • When it comes to predicting agency buyout plans, it is as simple as winning a bundle in Las Vegas or getting rich by buying low and selling high. And Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says, the winners are older feds who want out and younger people who want to keep their job, and maybe get a promotion too.

    April 04, 2011
  • Older federal workers, who often suffer from ED, are suddenly in demand among their younger colleagues eager to hear about how they survived the last time Congress and then Mother Nature shutdown the government, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey reports

    April 01, 2011
  • What is the threat of a government shutdown doing to your romance, marriage and number of times you yell at the kids? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says a lot depends on your age, family situation and maybe even your geographic location.

    March 31, 2011
  • Federal Times editor Steve Watkins and senior writer Steve Losey, financial planner Arthur Stein, and president of the Senior Executives Association Carol Bonosaro join us to answer your questions.

    March 30, 2011