Pay & Benefits

  • Tom Trabucco reviews the December returns on your TSP.

    January 03, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel Management sent a memo to agencies explaining who the pay freeze applies to and how it will be implemented. OPM answers several questions about performance increases, step increases and collective bargaining raises.

    January 03, 2011
  • If you work in Lansing, Albany, Albuquerque, Charlotte, Harrisburg or Portland, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has some good news for you... and some bad news.

    January 03, 2011
  • Whether you are working today or taking a brief early-winter break, get ready for 2011. It promises to be an \"interesting\" year. For reasons as to why you should fasten your seat belt, check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s column today.

    December 31, 2010
  • Will the proposed federal pay freeze hamper the hunt for the best and brightest and clog the promotion pipeline in your office. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it could very well happen.

    December 30, 2010
  • If you have or plan to have an IRA or a Roth IRA, check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s column today before you make any moves. His expert guest says their are tax traps you need to know about.

    December 29, 2010
  • The Partnership for Public Service\'s John Palguta explains both the good and bad news about the pay freeze.

    December 28, 2010
  • After you retire what next? You can\'t paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (it\'s been done anyhow) but you need to have a plan. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey put the question to a retirement expert who has all the right answers.

    December 28, 2010
  • President Obama has signed an executive order that replaces the controversial Federal Career Intern Program with three consolidated \'pathways.\' Administration officials say the old hiring system put agencies at a competitive disadvantage with private sector employers.

    December 27, 2010
  • The agency is using service level agreements to help ensure hiring managers are involved in all parts of the process. VA cut the amount of time it takes to hire a new employee by 20 days. VA hopes to get the average time down below the governmentwide goal of 80 days in 2011.

    December 27, 2010
  • It\'s been more than 10 years since experts started issuing their annual warnings of a government brain drain. The fact that it hasn\'t happened yet is of little important because this time, we are assured, it\'s for sure. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey reads the tea leaves.

    December 27, 2010
  • Whatever your reason for working today, be assured that Senior Correspondent Mike Causey feels your pain, but thankfully from afar. Check out his ghost of Christmas past column.

    December 24, 2010
  • How would you like a pay freeze and a two percent raise at the same time? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s readers react.

    December 23, 2010
  • March 4, 2011, is the new deadline to apply for Retroactive Stop Loss Pay.

    December 22, 2010