Pay & Benefits

  • It\'s official...federal workers are paid much, much more than than people doing the exact same jobs in the private sector, the debate is over. Or is it. Senior correspondent Mike Causey says some of the experts may be missing something.

    July 09, 2010
  • With every election even the safest members of the House and Senate pretend to run like their jobs are actually on the line, but this time around it may be true. Mike Causey says that could have an impact on your pay, benefits and job security.

    July 08, 2010
  • While it might be nice to work from home, there are some issues that arise that so-called regular workers don\'t have to deal with, especially when it comes to privacy and security.

    July 07, 2010
  • Are your future pay raises and current retirement benefits candidates for a congressional firing squad? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says nobody has locked and loaded, yet, but the possibility is out there.

    July 07, 2010
  • We get analysis from GovExec\'s Tom Shoop.

    July 06, 2010
  • There has been so much discussion surrounding federal pay and benefits both here and abroad.

    July 06, 2010
  • Being the oldest person in the office isn\'t much fun. Often it means being out of the loop on just about everything, but when it comes to a super-safe investment option, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that senior civil servants rule.

    July 06, 2010
  • Pay your bills or lose your job. Thirty nine Defense Department workers whose jobs were at risk because of their bad credit ratings will lose their positions after all.

    July 05, 2010
  • Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, holidays have never been the same. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey talks about the brave new world.

    July 05, 2010
  • Investing for the long term needs to be the mantra of anyone who puts their money in stocks. This is especially true for feds whose investments are in the Thrift Savings Fund. And it becomes especially true when stocks and the TSP go through a rough patch, as we learn in this month\'s edition of TSP Snapshot.

    July 02, 2010
  • As the third quarter starts, employers cut 125,000 jobs from the nation\'s payrolls in June, but the loss was driven by a wave of census layoffs. Certified financial planner Arthur Stein explains what\'s ahead.

    July 02, 2010
  • Imagine working for a place where the boss could give you a bonus or pay raise for good performance, or freeze your pay and dock your annual leave if you repeatedly fail to measure up. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says imagine you are working there because it\'s coming your way.

    July 02, 2010
  • Dave Owens President, AFGE Air Force Local 1101 Dave Johnson Fellow, Campaign for America\'s Future Tracy Van Slyke Director, The Media Consortium Author, \"Beyond the Echo Chamber: How a Networked Progressive Media Can Reshape American Politics\"

    July 01, 2010
  • Learn more about why you should plan to attend.

    July 01, 2010