Pay & Benefits

  • Unfortunately, many civil servants make errors and omit certain important tasks during their careers with the federal government. The result is that these employees may not be able to retire when they want to. We get details from Ed Zurndorfer, registered employee benefit consultant.

    June 11, 2010
  • Is Congress going to make another attempt to freeze your salary? Does a bear schlep in the woods? Some experts tell Senior Correspondent Mike Causey it isn\'t a question of if, but when.

    June 11, 2010
  • Author and Center for American Progress visiting fellow Shirley Sagawa brings us her ideas.

    June 10, 2010
  • A NASA employee is filing an amended complaint against the agency after he was demoted for discussing intelligent design at his laboratory. Attorney Bill Bransford explains it for us.

    June 10, 2010
  • Tens of thousands of federal employees may have their pay raises cut under the General Schedule for earning better raises under NSPS. Federal Managers Association\'s Patricia Niehaus explains.

    June 10, 2010
  • The demise of the Defense Department\'s controversial National Security Personnel System doesn\'t mean that it\'s totally dead or that something like it won\'t be coming to your federal agency soon. When it does, Senior Correspondent Mike Cause asks if it will be an improvement or new nightmare.

    June 10, 2010
  • Jim Dean Chair, Democracy for America Nan Grogan Orrock Georgia State Senator, District 36 David Neiwert Managing Editor, Eric Lotke Research Director, Campaign for America\'s Future

    June 09, 2010
  • Hear more from federal career expert and federal employee, Lily Whiteman. June 11, 2010

    June 09, 2010
  • The budget cut being imposed on federal agencies won\'t impact all of them the same way. Some may freeze hiring, most will cut travel and training first. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says this isn\'t the end of civilization as we know it but it could be a kick in the slats for the prosperous Washington metro area.

    June 09, 2010
  • Are a quarter million Defense department civilians heading back to job-comfort and safety or are they heading for the bureaucratic version of a train wreck? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey takes you on, and off, the NSPS Express.

    June 08, 2010
  • A recent study by the Office of Personnel Management shows that women and minorities participate less in the Thrift Savings Plan than their white, male counterparts. Tom Trabucco of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investments Board explains what they\'re doing to try and close the gap.

    June 07, 2010
  • Feds with retirement funds in the Thrift Savings Plan know that May was a rough month for your money. But it\'s not time to panic. Paul Yurachek from Ameriprise Financial Services in Bethesda analyzes a rollercoaster month for the TSP with reporter Max Cacas for our monthly feature, \"TSP Snapshot\".

    June 07, 2010
  • When it comes to investing, many of us do it as if we are driving across country using only the rearview mirror. The past can be prologue, but with something like the TSP\'s C and I-fund, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says you never really know.

    June 07, 2010
  • WFED\'s Max Cacas reports

    June 04, 2010