Pay & Benefits

  • Did you hear the one about the porn-obsessed executive who, when caught, said he was doing it for the good of poor, oppressed people in third world countries? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know if you can handle the truth about what, sometimes, goes on in your office.

    October 05, 2009
  • There still are two more weeks to send ideas to OMB to win the SAVE Award. OMB also is kicking off a physical fitness challenge to its employees to see who walks the most. The winner will have lunch with Director Orszag.

    October 01, 2009
  • Politicians from beyond the beltway rarely pay much attention to voters who are federal workers, but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says, in the case of the health care reform debate, one good look at the numbers could change all that.

    September 30, 2009
  • Those in the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program are going to spend more on health care in 2010. On average, costs are going up almost 9 percent. Federal News Radio’s Max Cacas has the full…

    September 29, 2009
  • A key member of Congress has proposed moving members of the House and Senate out of the federal employee health benefits program and taking you with him. Although it is a scary thought, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it\'s a little to early to panic.

    September 25, 2009
  • By Dorothy Ramienski It’s up . . . it’s down . . . it’s all-around confusing sometimes. The Stock Market retreated from recent gains on Monday morning, but a number of economists — including Fed…

    September 21, 2009
  • Getting back taxes paid on a losing investment may be as easy as preaching to the converted.

    September 21, 2009
  • Long term care insurance premiums are going up 5 to 25 percent next year, but there may be, just may be, a way you can minimize the impact of the new premiums. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey reports.

    September 16, 2009
  • September 16, 2009 - Certified Financial Planner Art Stein talks about LTC, investing and how the TSP is doing so far.

    September 15, 2009
  • When Congress passed the Tobacco bill, many federal and postal workers and retirees got short-changed because it moved so quickly. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says they have a fighting chance to recoup some of those losses in the pending Defense Authorization battle between the House and Senate.

    September 14, 2009
  • At the beginning of his administration, President Barack Obama said he wanted to make federal service ‘cool’. Office of Personnel Director John Berry has been working on that task — and the Partnership for Public…

    September 11, 2009
  • How to hedge your bets when it comes to changing insurance coverage.

    September 11, 2009
  • Remember where you were on this date in 2001? For many of us it is the Pearl Harbor moment of our lives. For others, not so much. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey remembers that day and some heroic people then, and now.

    September 11, 2009
  • Is there a lovable loser in your federal family? Someone who needs a hug? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has a simple, you-can\'t-lose quiz to make them feel better.

    September 10, 2009