
  • President Barack Obama issued an Executive Order and OMB released a new policy requiring agencies to make data machine-readable and use open standards. Agencies must develop an inventory of information and make it publicly available. Good government groups praised the changes but had some concerns around the administration's decision to apply the policy only to structured data.

    May 10, 2013
  • Grant Schneider, the Defense Intelligence Agency's chief information officer, said his agency and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency will be among the first agencies to move its top secret/sensitive compartmentalized information into Intelligence Community's IT Enterprise program this summer. The two agencies are developing the virtualized desktop and other tools for launch in late fiscal 2013. May 9, 2013

    May 09, 2013
  • President Barack Obama issued a new policy and signed an Executive Order requiring data to be open, machine-readable and safeguarded.

    May 09, 2013
  • Out of an abundance of caution, Federal News Radio is continuing to block access to via the Internet Explorer browser.

    May 08, 2013
  • Three Department of Homeland Security components are testing how ongoing authorizations work. The Office of Management and Budget is drafting a memo to require agencies to change from approving the cybersecurity of systems every three years to a more regular oversight schedule.

    May 08, 2013
  • Jose Domingos and Matthew Hughes from the Accreditation Commission for Health Care, join host John Gilroy to talk about how their company is helping federal agencies improve their healthcare services. May 7, 2013

    May 07, 2013
  • The Homeland Security Department released a draft performance work statement to vendors. The draft PWS details DHS' needs to use HSPD-12 cards for computer network and building access.

    May 06, 2013
  • On the one-year anniversary of the Digital Government Strategy, the CIO Council and DHS are expected to issue a security baseline and reference architecture for mobile computing. The goal of the document is not to give agencies new requirements but to focus on those security standards that are mobile-centric.

    May 03, 2013
  • The Pentagon's mobile plan includes device approvals that will involve some up-front costs. The expectation is those costs will be quickly offset by eliminating the inefficiency of the slow, stovepiped and outdated approaches that have characterized DoD mobility up until now.

    May 03, 2013
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will examine the reasons for the shortage of skilled worker visas, and the differences between U.S. and European approaches to cybersecurity. May 2, 2013

    May 02, 2013
  • How Health IT Enables Better quality at lower cost. Adapting IT processes to meet evolving public policy requirements is essential to delivering efficient, quality healthcare. Government, health IT professionals, and providers are racing to meet the changing federal and state regulations, while struggling with tightening budgets, sequestration, and mandates to improve care and reduce cost — all while expanding access to millions of new patients. Join us as we explore the many nuances to improving healthcare outcomes through IT policy with our esteemed panel of nationally-recognized experts in the field of healthcare outcomes and IT policy. Join the conversation on these topics and more…at the 9th Annual Government Health IT Conference & Exhibition. Register today. Registration is now Complimentary for Any Federal Employee or Hospital/IDN/Ambulatory Practice Employees! Just announced Farzad Mostashari, MD, ScM and Stephen Warren, Acting CIO of the VA have been added to the speakers for the Government Health IT Conference & Exhibition.

    May 01, 2013
  • Chase Garwood, the SBA acting CIO, said the agency is working with DHS and Justice to improve the security of its internal and external customer-facing systems. May 1, 2013

    May 01, 2013
  • Two contracts with Unisys that could be worth more than $800 million help the tax agency innovate and become more efficient. The IRS is using the first-of-its-kind in the federal market storage-as-a-service approach to increasing and decreasing the amount of storage it needs based on how busy it is during the year.

    May 01, 2013
  • Steve Kousen, vice president of Cloud Email and Collaboration Services at Unisys will discuss what agencies and contractors can expect as they move some of their services to the cloud. April 30, 2013

    April 30, 2013



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