
  • Frances Smith, a civilian Defense Department employee, is having problems making ends meet after furloughs trimmed her paycheck. "I'm wondering now, next week, how I'm going to even pay for my groceries," she told Federal News Radio.

    July 29, 2013
  • The Office of Management and Budget issued a memo Friday telling agencies consider fewer ideas in their submissions for the SAVE awards program.

    July 29, 2013
  • Many of the sequestration-imposed dollar cuts have been aimed at federal workers. But that's changing. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there are signs that government contractors and businesses that depend on the federal salary dollar are starting to feel the squeeze too. And not in places you would readily suspect.

    July 29, 2013
  • Federal News Radio's Beth Reardon speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    July 27, 2013
  • Jon Desenberg of the Performance Institute and John Kamensky of the IBM Center for the Business of Government, will discuss how to instill a culture of performance at your agency. July 26, 2013

    July 27, 2013
  • Ron Young, executive director of the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve program and Phillip Selleh, program manager for the VA Accelerator, will discuss how their organizations are helping veterans when they return to or enter the civilian workforce. July 26, 2013

    July 26, 2013
  • As the early heat wave continues in large sections of the nation, many federal workers are learning the naked truth about some of their very hot co-workers. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that in many cases, they don't like what they are seeing.

    July 26, 2013
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will discuss what's ahead for Congress, the implementation of Dodd-Frank, and possible changes to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. July 25, 2013

    July 25, 2013
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" Department of Defense Local 1708 President Bill McGuire talks about the impact of furloughs on the Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point in Southport, N.C. AFGE National Council of SSA Field Operations Locals President Witold Skwierczynski discusses resolved outstanding articles from the union's contract agreement with SSA while Economic Policy Institute Economic Analyst David Cooper addresses the lingering effects of unemployment on the economic recovery.

    July 25, 2013
  • Scholars at American University are suggesting that one way to relieve sequester stress and increase productivity is to create stronger work relationships. Robert Tobias and Patrick Malone at AU's Department of Public Administration and Policy suggest taking time out to talk about employees' feelings.

    July 25, 2013
  • DoD officials briefed House Armed Services members about 2013 furloughs and are figuring out whether they can reduce the number of days employees have to take without pay.

    July 25, 2013
  • Furloughs have hit half the federal workforce, and the financial impact has been hard on many of them. But for many members of the federal family, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says, the worst may be yet to come — things like layoffs and cutbacks in the federal retirement and health insurance programs in the new fiscal year.

    July 25, 2013
  • The Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund is receiving more requests for loans than ever before as weekly furloughs hit the Defense Department. Director Steve Bauer said the non-profit organization is doing everything it can to keep up. July 24 & 30, 2013

    July 24, 2013
  • A new report by the Partnership for Public Service and McKinsey and Company found inconsistencies among agencies in how they recruit and develop their Senior Executive Service members. That lack of standardized leadership development is causing some to question whether senior executives will be prepared to replace long-time managers who are retiring at a fast rate.

    July 24, 2013