
  • On John Berry's last day as director of the Office of Personnel Management, the consensus from federal employees and employee groups he has worked with the past four years is that his shoes will be hard to fill and that he has been an utmost advocate for federal employees in a tough political climate of furlough talk, budget negotiations and a rebounding economy.

    April 12, 2013
  • President Barack Obama wants to make federal service cool again. But his budget proposals, which would reduce future retirement benefits and force feds to pay more for them, has a lot of current civil servants hot under the collar, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    April 12, 2013
  • The Office of Personnel Management told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that the 50-year-old law creating the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) has hurt its ability to keep the FEHBP up-to-date. The agency estimates billions in savings over the next decade should Congress approve the White House's proposals in the 2014 budget request.

    April 11, 2013
  • On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts discuss the latest jobs report and and how sequestration is affecting the economy of Fairfax County Virginia. April 11, 2013

    April 11, 2013
  • Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry has made it official - he's stepping down from the agency when his term expires April 13. Elaine Kaplan, OPM's general counsel, will serve as acting director, Berry announced in an email to staff Thursday.

    April 11, 2013
  • Senior Correspondent Mike Causey wants to know: Would you be willing to accept a slightly smaller retirement benefit if it would help get the country out of debt? What if future cost-of-living adjustments to your civil service benefit were reduced by a mere 0.3 percent each year?

    April 11, 2013
  • Carol Bonosaro, president of the Senior Executives Association, and NFFE president William R. Dougan will give their thoughts on John Berry's four years as director of the Office of Personnel Management. April 10, 2013

    April 10, 2013
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" AFGE National Council of SSA Field Operations Locals President Witold Skwierczynski and National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare President Max Richtman voice opposition to President Obama's chained CPI budget proposal and its impact on seniors, veterans and federal employees. AFGE Public Policy Director Jacque Simon also analyzes proposed changes to the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

    April 10, 2013
  • The Defense Department's 2014 budget proposal reduces the size of the civilian workforce slightly, increases TRICARE premiums, and requests another round of base closures. It also calls for a slight raise for both civilian employees and uniformed servicemembers. The budget significantly exceeds the Defense spending caps in current law.

    April 10, 2013
  • James Clapper, the director of National Intelligence, said the 17-agency community is trying not to repeat lessons of past cuts that hampered analytical capabilities. Clapper also issued a new IC-wide code of ethics and made a key change to the security clearance form.

    April 10, 2013
  • John Berry, the ultimate Washington insider, is said to be leaving the Office of Personnel Management after four years running the federal civil-service machine. So how did he do, and how does he compare with the interesting assortment of OPM chiefs who came before him?

    April 10, 2013
  • In your golden retirement years, will you be dining on steak or Hamburger Helper? Some people say the latter may be on the menu thanks to a White house plan to trim future cost-of-living-adjustments for federal, military and Social Security retirees, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    April 09, 2013
  • Absent structural changes, the combination of 10-year budget caps Congress has already approved and rising growth in personnel costs mean DoD would be able to sign paychecks, administer healthcare benefits and not much more.

    April 08, 2013
  • Federal News Radio's Beth Reardon speaks with Recreation News Editor Marvin Bond about fun things to do in and near the nation's capital.

    April 07, 2013