What the heck is AI, ChatGPT, prompt technology? USAF vet, software engineer explains

Will Google searches soon become a thing of the past? Will apps become extinct?

Decades ago, Tim Kitchens served in the Air Force as a Russian intel analyst, but after the military he trained to become a Senior Software Engineer and expert programmer.

We sat down with him to get an in depth look at how the explosive growth of AI technology is poised to revolutionize the way we work and interact with the Internet.

Kitchens begins by explaining the basics of AI technology; What is it? How does it work, etc. He later expands on how ChatGPT can be incorporated into our daily lives and how other AI driven tech is transforming online content and digital video.  

He reflects on the dark side of AI too, ie; the dangers it presents when used to promote greed, misinformation and other dark desires.

But it’s not all dark. He shares how the traditional Internet search will eventually be replaced by “Prompt” technology, allowing for AI to perform search, research and other mundane tasks within minutes. He also sheds light on how AI is responsible for light-speed advances in medicine; the COVID vaccine and hopefully someday for diseases like cancer.    

We also discussed how to “future proof” your career with “prompt skills”, and the surprising places to find training. 

Check out Tim Kitchen’s article “Embrace AI or Fall Behind: Yes, Resistance IS Futile” here:


To reach CBS Eye on Veterans, Host, Phil Briggs


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