Staying in the Know in GovCon and Clearance Holder Poppyseed Problems

If you work in national security, you need to stay in the know on the changing government contracting landscape. Enter GovBrew, a free newsletter written by those in the know, to give you the news you need to know. Lindy Kyzer with ClearanceJobs chats with Shane Prosser, co-founder of GovBrew and co-founder and CEO of FalconTek. Prosser is a U.S. Army veteran who leveraged his security clearance to land a job working in national security, and then went on to co-found a company with his brother, Chad Prosser. The GovBrew newsletter was born out of their own efforts to gather the critical business intelligence they needed to be successful.

In the second half of the program Sean Bigley and Lindy Kyzer discuss the never ending saga of the poppyseed who stole my security clearance. Is it fact – or fiction – that a little too much poppy can make you pop hot on a drug test? And if it happens, what can you do about it?